Simplify Your SandBagging Efforts With The SandMaster

Are you still filling sandbags the old fashioned way, by hand? Do you need to put together a small army just to fill a few thousand bags to protect your home, business or community?

Do away with the back breaking, time consuming, labor intensive process of filling and placing sandbags by utilizing the SandMaster for all of your sandbagging needs.

The SandMaster fill, transports, securely closes and places the bags where they are needed allowing for the quick construction of temporary berms and dikes. There is not always a lot of time to provide the required protection but with the SandMaster, more bags in place with fewer people in less time can be the difference between PRESERVATION and DEVASTATION.

With Flooding being the number 1 natural disaster resulting in the loss of life and property with over 25 deaths and $5 billion in damages every year in the USA alone, the SandMaster provides an economical solution to a hostile climate with large scale flooding. These devastating flood events are  happening far more frequently with an increase in severity not just here in the USA, but on a global scale.


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Create more sand bags for less.

SandMaster is the solution for 21st Century Flood Control.

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